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International memorial-humanitarian marathon Not to forget

International marathon Not to forget in memory of the victims of NATO aggression was successfully accomplished when the runners reached Veroia on March 29. At the Finish point they were welcomed by the representatives of the city and by the Consul General S. Pavic as well as by the pupils of a local elementary school with a short performance in the honor of runners. In their speeches representatives of the city of Veroia and General Consul S. Pavic expressed their admiration for the effort, but also for the over-all engagement of the runners in the marathon in memory of 15 years since the NATO bombarding started SRY. They also emphasised significance, humanitarian aspect and symbolism of uniting to realise this out of ordinary event.

The next day, March 30, Marathon participant had a small reception in the Consulate General in Thessaloniki. On that occasion, the participants got familiarised with the history of the Consulate, importance of Thessaloniki in Serbian history, especially in the First World War, ST. Sava and Hilandar Monastery. Visit to Thessaloniki was concluded by tour at the Serbian Military Cemetery Zejtinlik, which was completed by famous story of the cemetery keeper Djordje Mihailovic. The runners continued their unusual journey towards Hilandar Monastery as their final destination.


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News - Archive
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