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Visit of H.H. Patriarch Bartholomew to the Serbian military cemetery Zejtinlik

His Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Мr. Bartholomew, within the five-day visit to Thessaloniki (19th to 23rd Octobre), visited the Serbian military cemetery Zejtinlik on 22th October, where he was received with military honors.

On behalf of the Republic of Serbia, Patriarch Bartholomew was welcomed by the Consul general Mr. Sinisa Pavic and Consul S. Kolundzija, in the presence of prior of the Monastery Chilandar archimandrite Methodius, parish priest of Serbian origin from northern Greece and Zejtinlik guardian Mr. Djordje Milailovic  and from the Greek side, Deputy Minister of Education and Religious Affairs Mr. K. Julekas, representatives of the Bureau of Greek Ministry of the Foreign Affairs in Thessaloniki and prelates led by Bishop Varnavas.

Patriarch  Bartholomew served memorial service to all Serbian heroes who are buried at this Cemetery, after which he laid a wreath and visited the Chapel, where he signed a copy of the Gospel, which is kept there. Memorial was served mostly in Greek and partly in Serbian language.


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News - Archive
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