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Relations between Serbia and Greece- Conference at the University of Macedonia @ 7 April 2014 10:32 PM
As a result of mutual cooperation, on April 1 in Thessaloniki was held a conference Relations between Serbia and Greece. A part form the panelist and students, representatives of the Greek Foreign Office in Thessaloniki (T. Kocionis and K. Kacanos) and FYROM’s Head of Mission (M. Apostolova-Balaburski) were present as well. Head of the Balkan Relations Department D. Kyrkilis opened the Conference and the moderator was S. Maurogeni, lector for Serbian language.
Ana Tomanovic, a pianist from Serbia residing in Thessaloniki, preformed in the musical part of the Conference.
Working part of the Conference was opened by the Consul General S. Pavic’s speech (Consulate General of Serbia in Thessaloniki- yesterday, today, tomorrow) that embraced history of the Consulate (opening, notable consuls as B. Nusic and M. Rakic), temporary priorities (various cooperation) and anticipated activities in the future (emphasising economic cooperation given that a certain number of students study economy at the MU). A special accent was given to the role of Thessaloniki as a city in the Serbian-Greek relations.
Other speakers in the Conference we professors from the University-
• S. Maurogeni- on history of art in the Serbian-Greek relations
• D. Stamatopoulos- on uprisings in Serbia and Greece
• E. Dordanas- on Treaty of Alliance from 1913
• N. Maratzidis- on Greek and Yugoslav communists in 40s
• G. Christidis- on Greek-Serbian liaisons during the 90s
• I. Armakolas- on Kosovo-related relations from 1999 until present
• V. Vlasidis- on medias in former Yugoslavia and in Serbia.